Dawn Meadows

A Romance Writer's Blog

Is Giddy-Happy 'Cause I Won Some Stuff!

I used to be able to say that I never win anything, but can't now.  In the last two weeks I've won three great prizes by just commenting on a blog or forum post.

I  was thrilled to win a copy of Moving Target by Rosalie Stanton.  I love this author's clean, engaging writing and this newest novella did not disappoint.  You can pre-order it here.

Yesterday was the start of the NGTCC over at Romance Divas.  I commented on three door prize posts and won two of them!  An ebook from author David Bridger entitled Beauty and the Bastard.  I'm halfway done with it now.  It is very interesting to read a romance novel written by a man.  The writing is clear and the story is really good.  So good that I didn't get to sleep until two in the morning.

I also won a synopsis and first three chapters critique from Golden Heart Finalist, Cynthia Justlin.  I'm really excited about this one. 

Getting Ready to Query Literary Agents

I'm going to try using Query Tracker to keep track of queries that I send out.  I really like how the website is set up.  I'll be able to keep track of who I have sent a query to and when I get a rejection.  I really love how they have a place to paste in the exact query letter sent to the agent, because while the blurb section will always be the same, each query will need to be personalized and I like the idea of being able to see exactly what I sent to different agents.

I have used Query Tracker to find some of the agents I plan to send the first wave a queries to, but I have also found agents in other ways and went back to tracker and added them in to my personal list.  I've found agents in forum posts and on other writer's blogs.  I pay attention when someone praises their agent and then I look them up and see if they would be a good fit for me.  

If all goes well, I will start sending out queries in the next few days.  *bites nails*

My New Blog ~ What to Expect

Every author should have a web presence.  At least that's the advice I see while lurker on writing forums.  So, here I am.  Present and accounted for.

It is my intention to update this blog on a regular basis.  I would like to point others to good writing sources online and great authors.  I'd also like to discuss all aspects of writing and keep everyone updated on the progress of my writing.  There shall be many posts about my quest for an agent.  Most of those posts will be non-whiny ones about the rejections I know will start coming in.

Hopefully, there will also be some excited posts about requests for partials or full manuscripts.  And one day in the future, I expect to post about getting that agent, getting a publishing contract and more.  There shall be excited posts with cover art and dates for when the book is available!  I can't wait!

I write Young Adult novels and Contemporary or Paranormal Romances.  I'll save my chit-chat about projects that I have ongoing for another post.