Dawn Meadows

A Romance Writer's Blog

Writing Contests & Nano Progress

I entered the first week of the Some Like It Hot writing contest with All Business.  Unfortunately, I did not place as a finalist, but I did win the random entry contest for a critique of the first chapter!  That's something.  I'm excited about the critique, and I'm looking forward to taking the advice of someone who knows more than I do. 

I am thinking about entering one of my other finished novels for this week's section of the contest.  It will depend on how much time I have to condense my synopsis from three pages to one.

I also entered the 'Tis The Season writing contest as well.  Voting has started.  If you could take a moment to read my excerpt, vote and comment, I would greatly appreciate it.  You don't have to register to vote.  I'm entry number three in the contemporary section. 

And now for my Nano report.

I got off to a good start at midnight and went to sleep with over 2,800 words down.  I plan to spend two hours writing later in the day.  It would be great if I could get 5,000 words written for day one.  It's always good to get a good head start for the month.  So many things can happen to take me away from my laptop for a day.  Like that little holiday, Thanksgiving, where my family expects me to come out of the writing cave and socialize.  :)