Every writer has their own routine and their own set of tools that help them keep moving forward. I try to keep it simple. Here are some of the tools I use to help me along.
I do all of my writing in MS Word. I like being about to add notes and use track changes when I'm editing. Before I could afford MS Word, I used the free program, Open Office, and it was almost just as good. It has some of the same features and files could be saved as .doc files.
I backup my files using Dropbox, which is just an awesome program. All of my writing file folders are kept in Dropbox. I can access them from any computer, and no matter which computer I open files and make changes on, those chances will be there on any other computer, when I open the file again. If my main laptop dies, I will still have the files on Dropbox and will be able to still retrieve them.
When I am querying agents, I use Querytracker to keep it all organized.
If I'm stuck and need to push myself to keep writing, I will use Write or Die, which is just a lot of fun. I recommend using the normal mode, because it's more evil to have to hear that song than to have my words erased. LOL! He's got a new editing tool that I want to check out too.
What tools do you use?
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